A sign of the times, so to say. It proclaimed Boulder's CROSSROADS MALL between the years 1983 and 2004.
Photo from http://boulderhistory.org

The CROSSROADS complex was expanded exponentially in the early 1980s. A bi-level North Wing was completed in two phases, which opened in 1981 and 1983. This added over 200,000 square feet of retail area. In the photo above, a new East Entrance leads into J.C. Penney.
Photo from Carnegie Library for Local History, Boulder / Barbara Buchman

California's Mervyn's chain added a store to the new North Wing. It opened for business in February 1986.
Photo from Carnegie Library for Local History, Boulder / Barbara Buchman

Denver-based May D & F (on the right) was part of the Phase II North Wing expansion. In the distance is the circa-1963 South Wing of the shopping hub. By the time this photo was taken, "The Denver" store had been retenanted by Sears.
Photo from Carnegie Library for Local History, Boulder / Barbara Buchman

This layout, dated 1990, shows how the original mall (in black) was incorporated with the new North Wing. As previously mentioned, this addition was built in two phases; the darker section being completed first. Taking into account Mervyn's -and a recently-enlarged May D & F- the shopping complex now spans approximately 809,000 leasable square feet.