Three SUPER CITY CENTER complexes were built in eastern South Dakota. In order of their completion, they were SUPER CITY CENTER-Aberdeen (April 1964), SUPER CITY CENTER-Huron (September 1964) and SUPER CITY CENTER-Mitchell (August 1965). The Mitchell mall is depicted in the drawing above.
Drawing from the Bjornson Development Company

A circa-'75 view of the South Mall shopping concourse at Aberdeen's SUPER CITY CENTER. The Petite Treat snack bar is seen on the right side of the Tempo mall entrance. On the left are entries of Ken's Fairway Foods and a Ben Franklin 5 & 10.
Photo from Beulah Williams Library Archives & Special Collections

Fairway Foods was a charter mall tenant. The store originally encompassed 15,000 square feet but would be expanded several times over the years. It was acquired by Aberdeen's Ken Fiedler in 1972, when the store's name was changed to Ken's Fairway Foods.
Photo from / Aberdeen Magazine