Private Labels & House Brands

In the 1860s and '70s, R.H. Macy and John Wanamaker became some of the first American retailers to carry so-called "private label" merchandise. Such products cut out the middle man and offered quality goods at a lower price...resulting in greater profits for the seller.

Sears, Montgomery Ward and J.C. Penney instituted their first "house brands" in the earlier part of the 20th century. By mid-century, the three nameplates seen above had become household words.

Sears established Sears Gramophone, its first record label, in the late 1890s. At the time, only wax-cylinder recordings were available. A Silvertone record label, based on flat disc records, was introduced in October 1915.
Photo from / The Internet Archive

The Silvertone brand of phonographs appeared in 1916, with the hand-cranked Model X seen above. Battery-powered Silvertone radios were added to the product line in the early 1920s, with musical instruments joining the fold in the 1930s.
Graphic from

Montgomery Ward also manufactured and sold phonograph records, such as this "electrically recorded" 78 rpm. disc.
Photo from the / The Internet Archive