Horseless Carriages & Homes

During their early years, Sears and Wards sold just about everything! We submit for your approval the Sears Motor Buggy, which was marketed between 1909 and 1912; the price, $395. Following suit, Wards sold their Modoc Assembled Car between 1912 and 1914. Its price was $1,250.
Graphic from / John M. Daily

Sears and Wards also sold house-building kits. Everything was included, except the land to build said dwelling on and the labor that would be required to do so. Here we see the Sears Modern Home "Argyle," which sold for $2,349 in 1923. Sears marketed its house-building kits between 1908 and 1940.
Drawing from

Between 1921 and 1931, Montgomery Ward & Company sold Wardway Home kits. The "Elizabeth" model, seen here, could be had for $2,578 in 1930.  
Drawing from / Morris County Heritage Commission