A mid-'60s mall promotion introduces "Westy" -or Wes T. Minster"- as a "guide to friendly personal shopping." 
Advert from the Dunton Realty Company  

The first -and only- cinematic venue to operate at WESTMINSTER PLAZA showed first features in October 1970. 
Advert from the Midwest Theatre Corporation

The movie house was renamed Cinema 70 in March 1974.
Graphic from Highland Theatres

In 1973, a new logo and slogan debuted.
Graphic from the Eaton-Jones Company

A circa-'73 site plan shows several recent mall modifications. The aforementioned twin cinema now occupies the northwest corner of the site. An open Plaza has been built on the northeast corner of the mall proper. Lastly, four "tree lanes" punctuate the four main parking lot entrances.

Among our collection of WESTMINSTER PLAZA memorabilia is a Gay '90s-theme ad from 1975.
Advert from the Eaton-Jones Company

The early '70s mall makeover was done just in time for the arrival of a formidable retail rival. WESTMINSTER MALL, which was fully-enclosed, opened in 1977 and immediately put the hurt on the older -and still open-air- WESTMINSTER PLAZA. 
Graphic from MD Management