Two Queen City-based retail chains anchored the circa-'60 center. On its north end was Shillito's, which was the chain's first branch. The store was dedicated in September 1960 and featured The Captain's Table restaurant.
Drawing from the John Shillito Company

On the south end of TRI-COUNTY CENTER was H & S Pogue. The second branch in the Pogue's chain, it also commenced operation in September 1960. The store's main feature was its Camargo Restaurant.
Drawing from the H & S Pogue Company

A third anchor department store was added to TRI-COUNTY CENTER in the late '60s. Sears opened in May 1967. Stores in an adjacent "enclosed wing" were dedicated in August of the same year.
Photo from Sears, Roebuck & Company Annual Report 1967

Following the completion of Sears and the Enclosed Wing (medium gray), the circa-1960 mall was enclosed and climate-controlled. This renovation project was finished in April 1968. TRI-COUNTY CENTER was now Greater Cincinnati's third enclosed shopping facility. It encompassed approximately 925,000 leasable square feet and housed sixty-nine stores.

A 350,000 square foot mini mall was built directly across Kemper Road from TRI-COUNTY. The fully-enclosed CASSINELLI SQUARE opened for business in August 1976. This value-oriented venue, which contained eighteen stores and services, was anchored by Service Merchandise and a Gold Circle discount mart.
Graphic from Joseph J. Freed & Associates