In 1992, CAPITAL MALL is essentially the same as in the 1980 plan. No additional square footage has been added...nor any taken away. The most visible difference is that the F & N store has been replaced by a Mervyn's. At this time, the complex houses over 100 stores and services.

Federated Stores' "Project Hyphen" rebannered the retail hub's The Bon Marche, as a Bon-Macy's, in 2003. "Project Star" completed the process in 2005, with the store becoming a full-fledged Macy's.
Photo from

By 2007, the mall has become a Westfield property; this transaction occurring in November 1998. In the ensuing years, several changes were made. A Food Court was installed in reconstructed space in 2003 and Best Buy set up shop in a vacant Lamonts. A freestanding cluster center, THE PROMENADE AT WESTFIELD CAPITAL, opened in 2006. In 2007, an in-mall-Century megaplex was also dedicated.