A Slenderella Figure Salon was a charter OAK CLIFF CENTER tenant. 
Advert from Slenderella International

A Tom Thumb super market anchored the north end of the mall. The store awarded Frontier Savings Stamps with every purchase.
Graphic 1 from Tom Thumb Food Stores
Graphic 2 from Frontier Savings Stamps, Incorporated

At the time of the mall's grand opening in 1956, a Gaston Cafeteria was one of four stores in a Dallas-based chain.
Advert from the Gaston System

A Frontier Stamps Redemption Center opened at OAK CLIFF CENTER in February 1960.
Advert from Frontier Savings Stamps, Incorporated

The Gaston Cafeteria morphed into a Furr's operation in June 1970.
Advert from Furr's Cafeterias, Incorporated

Harris' and Sanger-Harris anchored the mall's south end for over 18 years. In this photo, we see the store during its Moving (or Going Out of Business) Sale. This was held in mid-1975.
Photo from  https://www.reddit.com / "rDallas"