Sears operated at the shopping facility between May 1956 and February 2020.
Photo from / "Caldor"

The MANCHESTER CENTER Gottschalks was in business between October 1979 and June 2009.
Photo from / "Caldor"

At the time of a turn of the century plan, the complex has just been expanded for a fourth time. A new addition to the shopping concourse (in gray) connects the mall with its formerly freestanding Sears. Moreover, a 16-plex cinema has been added to the store directory.

The store strip north of Sears was promoted as the MANCHESTER MALL in the late 1960s. Its air-conditioned shopping concourse was removed in the 1970s, with all stores opened to the front parking area. Today, the 104,000 square foot complex is known as MANCHESTER NORTH.
Photo from