MEIER & FRANK (with The Homestead restaurant) / SEARS (with Coffee House and attached Auto Center) / NORDSTROM / Action Alley / Aladdin's Castle video arcade / Alley Cat Pet Center / Athlete's Foot / B. Dalton Bookseller / Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors Ice Cream / Binyon Optical / Bob's Old-Fashioned Ice Cream / Candlelight & Wine / Captain Scott's Fish & Chips / Carousel Snack Bar / Casual Corner ladies' wear / Charlie's / Chess King men's wear / Clothes Circuit / Creative Crafts / Earresistable Stores / Fabric House / Fashion Conspiracy ladies' wear / Florsheim Shoes / Foot Locker / Foxmoor Casuals ladies' wear / Frederick's of Hollywood / Friday's Girl ladies' wear / Gallenkamp Shoes / GNC / J.K. Jill / Gingiss Formalwear / Gordon's Jewelers / J. Herbert Hall / Hanover Shoes / Hatch's Cards & Gifts / Hickory Farms of Ohio / High & Mighty / Hot Dog on a Stick / In Shops, Incorporated / International House of Pancakes / Jeans West / JJ Jeans / J. K. Jill / John Helmer, Incorporated / Justin's Film Service / K-G men's wear / Kinney Shoes / King John / Kris Hallmark / Kinderphoto / Learning World / Leed's Qualicraft Shoes / Lerner Shops ladies' wear / Life Uniform / Lyons ladies' wear / Malings Shoes / McDonald's Hamburgers / Morrow's Nut House / Motherhood Maternity ladies' wear / Mr. Rags / Musicland records / Nadeau's Children's Village / Orange Julius / Parker's apparel / Pizza Haven / Prager's / Radio Shack / Roda Lee / Sandwich House Gourmet / See's Candies / Shepherd of the Hills Ozark Kountry Store / Snappy's Organ Center / Spencer Gifts / Squire Shop / Stereo Wizzard / The County Seat / The Gap / The Golden Onion restaurant / The Jean Machine / Thom McAn Shoes / Tiffany's Bakery / Topps & Trowzers / Toychest / T-Shirts / Women's World Shop ladies' wear / Zales Jewelers / Zell Brothers Jewelry & Gifts
Sears anchored the south side of the Phase I "VanMall." The store, which incorporated 125,100 square feet, was in operation for over 41 years.
Photo from Clark County, Washington