Our most current NORTH STAR plan dates to 2025. By this time, three anchors have been rebranded. Joske's morphed into Dillard's in 1987. Macy's assumed a vacant Marshall Field's in 1997, closed in 2005 and returned -in the Foley's space- in 2006. J.C. Penney set up shop in the original Macy's in 2007. Frost Brothers became Mervyn's, which closed in 2008. Its space was divided into eight stores, with the largest being Forever 21.

A 2020s of the Macy's Court, in the western section of the circa-1960 mall.
Photo from http://elsarch.com / ELS Architecture & Urban Design

A snapshot of the main mallway, also in the circa-1960 structure.
Photo from http://elsarch.com / ELS Architecture & Urban Design

Here we see the seating area in the center's 10-bay Food Court. This culinary complex is on "L2" (the upper level) of the J.C. Penney Wing.
Photo from http://elsarch.com / ELS Architecture & Urban Design