Spin Street, a music & video emporium, operated in the original Lowenstein's East space between 2004 and 2018.
Photo from http://www.finardproperties.com / Finard Properties

The Plaza Theatre shut down in 1987 and was proceeded by a Bookstar store. This went belly-up in January 2011. The space was divided between Gould's Day Spa, Momentum Rehab and an Osaka Japanese restaurant. These opened during 2012.
Photo from www.cinematreasures.org / "Vastor"

Above we see one of two store blocks that were vacated in 2012. These were demolished to make room for a new state-of-the-art Kroger.
Photo from http://www.landmarkandlegend.com

Our final PLAZA plan dates to 2013. The 60+ year-old shopping center is, by now, a "Home of the Blues" institution. A sixth expansion and renovation has just been completed, which adds the aforementioned Kroger (light gray)


K & G MEN'S / KROGER / OLD NAVY / PETCO / Baskin-Robbins ice cream / Belleview / Body Mechanix / Bronson Sporting Goods / Buffalo Wild Wings / Cici's Pizza / Dollar Tree / Ed Jones / El Portone / French Riviera / GNC / Goulds / Laser Quest / Mattress Firm / MCalister's / Midtown Internal Medicine / Mister Hats / Momentum Rehab / Osaka Japanese Fusion Bistro / Party City / Plaza Cleaners / Plaza Dental / Rainbow apparel / Regions Bank / Rosie's Nails / Shelby County Clerk / Smoothie King / Spin Street records / State Farm Insurance / Tuesday Morning 

The new supermarket, which was the third Kroger location at the PLAZA, opened its doors in March 2013.
Photo from http://www.avisonyoung.com / Avison Young Real Estate Company

Today's Old Navy store occupies the old J.C. Penney building. 
Photo from http://www.avisonyoung.com / Avison Young Real Estate Company