The Sun City's Popular chain anchored the east end of the mall. The store included an open terrace -on its upper level- where lawn supplies and other outdoor merchandise was displayed.
Drawing from the Popular Dry Goods Company  

The Kinney Shoes chain was operating over 570 stores when the BASSETT CENTER location opened its doors, in March 1962.
Drawing from the G.R. Kinney Company

In late 1962, BASSETT CENTER encompasses around 444,400 leasable square feet and houses forty-four stores under its open-air canopies. Free parking is provided for 4,500 autos. One may notice that the thoroughfare running along the south side of the site is known as simply "The Freeway." It would soon be incorporated into Interstate 10.


POPULAR (with Beauty Salon and Public Auditorium) / THE WHITE HOUSE (with Budget Shop) / SAFEWAY supermarket (outparcel) / S.S. KRESGE 5 & 10 (with Dinette) / Aaronson Brothers family apparel / Acme Laundry & Cleaners (outparcel) / Baker's Qualicraft Shoes / Bassett Beauty Salon / Bassett Center Book Store / Bassett Center Community Hall / Bassett Flower Shop / Bassett Key Booth / Beau's Pets / Buck Rogers Travel Service / Cherry's Barber Shop / Christo Rey Gifts / Christopher's / Contour Chair Lounge / Feder's Jewelers / First Savings & Loan / Finance Trust Company / Franklin Optical / Fred Astair Dance Studio / Given Brothers / Glass Incorporated ladies' wear / Hardy Shoes / Howard Clothes / Kinney Shoes / Lerner Shops / Lynn's Apparel / Melody Shop records / Misenheimer Ice Cream & Candy Shoppe / Molly's / National Shirt Shops / Park-A-Tot Nursery (outparcel) / Patrician Restaurant / Singer Sewing Center / Steiling's Linens / Stover's Hearing Aids / The Dauphin House Gifts / Thomas Paint Company / Tony Lama Western Wear / Toys By Roy / Union Fashion / Walgreen Drug (with The Grill) / Western Auto (outparcel) / Wyatt's Cafeteria