A vintage view of the Almys mall entrance. The store included a Beauty Salon and J & J snack bar restaurant.
Photo from Frederick Grant Hill Archive / UVM-Universitas Virdis Montis (University of Vermont) / Alan Lasky, Paul Beique & Bob Blanchard
Photo from http://amesfanclub.com
AMES / STEINBACH / Aladdin's Castle video arcade / Anderson-Little / Athlete's Foot / Belden Jewelers / Ben & Jerry's ice cream / Brooks / Casual Corner / Cherry, Webb & Touraine / Chess King / Claire's Boutique / Designs by Levi / Earring Tree / Field's Hosiery / Foxmoor Casuals / GNC / Gordon's Jewelry / Great Expectations / Hersheldon's / Hickory Farms of Ohio / Hilson's Home Center (outparcel) / Howard Bank (outparcel) / International Coffee / Kay-Bee Toys / Kinney Shoes / Lechter's housewares / Marianne Shops / Martin's Food Center (outparcel) / Musicland / Papa Gino's / Pearle Vision Center / Perkins Landing / Pet Menagerie / Radio Shack / So-Fro Fabrics / Spencer Gifts / Stuart Simon men's wear / Suzanne's Hallmark / Tape World / This End Up / Thom McAn Shoes / Waldenbooks / Wendy's hamburgers
A & W Hot Dogs & More / Continental Foods / Dairy Queen / KarmelKorn / Orange Julius / T.J. Cinnamon's / The Fortune Cookie / Sbarro the Italian Eatery