Fairbanks' Bentley Mall

The second suburban-style shopping mall in Fairbanks held its grand opening in April 1977. The fully-enclosed mini-mall was originally promoted with this logo.
Graphic from Barsa Associates

It bears mention, at this juncture, that Fairbanks had Alaska's first enclosed shopping court. The Northward Shopping Mall occupied the ground floor of the Northward Building apartment complex, which opened in February 1952. The mall featured twenty-three stores and services. These included Ray's Supermarket, Northward Drug Store and Tommy's Criterion.
Graphic from the Northward Building Company

Getting back to BENTLEY...a pre-opening ad beckons retailers to locate in the new mall. According to copy, its 16,000 square foot, climate-controlled shopping concourse will feature "quarry tile and wood parquet floors."
Advert from Barsa Associates

A rendering of the 10 million dollar BENTLEY MALL, as it appeared in 1977. The original complex included four peripheral retail and banking structures.
Drawing from Barsa Associates
Our first BENTLEY plan depicts the circa-1977 mall. It encompassed approximately 130,000 leasable square feet, with outparcel buildings covering an additional 34,500. The mall proper housed nineteen stores, with four outparcel buildings containing eight tenants. The mall provided free parking for 800 autos. 


SAFEWAY supermarket (with bakery and liquor store) / PAY 'N SAVE DRUG / All Seasons Sports / Bentley Books / Clowntown toys, games & hobbies / Kensington Place ladies' wear / Kinney Shoes / Lady Bug Boutique ladies' wear / National Bank of Alaska (outparcel) / Owl Tree ladies' wear / Pier 1 Imports / Sachs Men's Shop / Swensen's Ice Cream Factory / The Camera Center / The Card Center / The Chocolate Connection / The Fabric Center / The Music Corner records, tapes & electronics / The Rocking Horse children's wear / Zales Jewelers

One Hour Martinizing / Pioneer Take Out restaurant / The Barber Shop

Dean Whitter Company / Kelley's Photo Lab / Team Cutters hair stylists / The Italian Place Restaurant 

A BENTLEY MALL logo montage is comprised of trademarks of nine charter stores and services.