An ultra-modern Clock Tower was the focal point of the COMMERCIAL CENTER. In its early days, people came from miles around to "ooo" and "ahh" at the revolutionary mid-century shopopolis.
Photo copyright Park Forest Historical Society. Reproduction -without permission- is prohibited

The cluster-type complex was centered on a landscaped courtyard. The Jewel supermarket, in the center of this image, was the largest in the chain when it opened in March 1950. The supermarket was fully air-conditioned, as were all of the stores in the shopping center. This was big news in the early 1950s.
Photo from Malls of America Blogspot

A circa-1951 physical layout shows a partially-complete complex. At this time, there are over thirty tenant spaces. Stores would continue opening into the mid-1950s.


JEWEL TEA COMPANY supermarket / S.S. KRESGE 5 & 10 (with luncheonette) / Art Mart / Blossom Florist Shop / Dr. Fixit & Mr. Makit / Esco Television / Fidler's, Limited Store For Men / Fran's Women's Apparel / Holiday Theatre (single screen) / Karmelkorn / McClurg Book Store / Mobile Service Station (outparcel) / Park Forest Bakery / Park Forest Barber Shop / Park Forest Beauty Shop / Park Forest Cleaners / Park Forest Currency Exchange / Park Forest Drug Store / Park Forest Hardware Store / Park Forest Hobby & Sports Center / Park Forest Jewelry Store / Park Forest Laundromat / Park Forest Liquors / Park Forest Lumber Company / Park Forest Shoe Repair / Public Service Company / Sexton's Lounge / Shapiro's Shoes / Sheldon's Delicatessen / Sherry's Drive-In Snack Shop / Seifer of Park Forest Furniture / Vistain's News Agency / Youngster's Shop   

For its first 4 years, the PARK FOREST shopping complex had no anchor department store. The local Goldblatt's chain opened its first. The Park Forest store, consisting of 62,500 square feet, was dedicated in October 1953. 
Drawing from Goldlatt Brothers, Incorporated Annual Report 1952