Del Amo Fashion Center
In 1975, there were two individual shopping malls at the Del Amo site; DEL AMO CENTER (on the south) and BULLOCK'S-DEL AMO FASHION SQUARE (on the north). The FASHION SQUARE mall was expanded and enclosed in 1970-'71. DEL AMO CENTER would remain open-air until the early 1980s.

Two DEL AMO malls were merged into one super-sized center between 1978 and 1981. Original venues are shown in black; a new connecting concourse is indicated in light gray. With this addition, DEL AMO FASHION CENTER is the largest enclosed mall in the USA. The Los Angeles Times proclaimed it "King of the Malls." The complex covered 2,650,000 leasable square feet, housed 335 stores, and maintained free parking for 12,000 autos.