METROCENTER was re-renovated in 2005. Exterior entrances were rebuilt and returned to the color-code system that had been replaced -with numeric designations- in the early '90s. In this image, we see the reinstated "Yellow Entrance."
Photo from Wikipedia /  "Haken Arizona"

In mid-2014, plans for a new WalMart SuperCenter were announced. The store, which replaced an abandoned Broadway, opened for business in October 2017.
Drawing from B/R/R architecture

METROCENTER thrived during the 1970s and '80s, but began a gradual decline in the 1990s. Renovations kept the appearance of the complex current, but inevitably failed to curtail its commercial downturn. By the time of a circa-2018 layout, the mall has just two operational anchors, with one of these not connecting into the shopping concourse.

During its 47-year trajectory, the anchor stores at METROCENTER changed nameplates with such frequency that it was hard to keep all of the rebrandings straight. We thought that an "Alternating Anchors" diagram might help.

Unfortunately, we were speaking of Arizona's once-mighty mall in the past tense. The Covid-19 scourge took numerous lives. Now, we can cite a mall that also died as a result. In June 2020, the owners of METROCENTER announced that, due to drastically-reduced patronage, the shopping hub would close to the public; effective June 30th. Initial demolition work commenced in July 2023.
Graphic from Westcor, Incorporated