Promoted as "The General Store of the Jet Age," MAYFAIR CENTER was built in one phase. When fully-leased, the facility housed around 778,300 leasable square feet and contained seventy stores and services. Its split-level parking lot provided free parking for 8,000 autos.


MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY (with Linden Room restaurant) / Andes Candies / A.S. Beck Shoes / Chandler's Shoes / Charles of the Ritz Beauty Salon / Florsheim Shoes / Klode Furniture / MacNeil & Moore ladies' & men's wear / Mansfield's Young America children's wear / Milwaukee Gas & Light Company / Stuarts Ready-to-Wear for Ladies / Toepfer & Bellack men's wear / Youthful Shoes

CENTRAL PARK (Center Court)
KRAMBO FOODS / WALGREEN DRUG (with luncheonette) / Bond Clothes / Artiste Beauty Shop / Cobbler Shop Shoe Repair / Colonial Kitchen Delicatessen / William H. Heinemann Bakery / Loewl & Company Investments / Pan Dee Restaurant / Alan Preuss Florists / Prohaska Barber Shop / Singer's ladies' & children's wear / Smartwear ladies' & children's wear / Spic & Span Laundry & Dry Cleaning / Steinmeyer Fine Foods / Toy Fair Toys & Hobbies / Jane Winroe Card Shop

GIMBELS (with Tasty Town restaurant) / S.S. KRESGE (with luncheonette) / Badger Paint & Hardware / Baker's Shoes / Fanny Farmer Candies / Flagg Brothers Shoes / Home Savings & Loan / Household Finance Corporation / Kay Campbell ladies' wear / Kinney Shoes / Lerner Shops ladies' wear / Marcey's ladies' wear / Mary Jane Shoes / Mary Lester Yard Goods / Maxine's Gifts & Cards / Royal Crown Hosiery / Stumpf's men's & boy's wear / The Record Shop