Des Moines' -and Iowa's- first mall type shopping center was developed in the north-central section of the city. PARK FAIR CENTER was officially dedicated in November 1957, nearly 2 years before the grand opening of MERLE HAY PLAZA.
Graphic from Frank A. DePuydt and Thomas B. Couchman  

The original MERLE HAY PLAZA encompassed approximately 615,000 leasable square feet and contained thirty-four stores and services. Its parking area could accommodate 4,000 autos. During the early years, space on the mall's lower level was equipped as a fallout shelter. A portion also housed the Strike & Spare Bowl.


YOUNKERS (with Francois Maison de Coiffure Salon and Meadowlark Room restaurant) / SEARS (with Coffee Shop and attached Auto Center) / S.S. KRESGE 5 & 10 (with luncheonette) / SAFEWAY supermarket / Baker's Qualicraft Shoes / Baron's ladies' & children's wear / Bishop Buffet / Bodin Van Dorn men's & boy's wear / Corn Cabin / Circus Town children's wear / Dial Finance / Dotty Dunn Millinery / Fanny Farmer Candies / Federal Bake Shop / Gould Camera Shop / Green's Fabric Shop / Iowa Dress Club / Joseph's Jewelers / Kinney Shoes / Lane-Warner Insurance Company / Lazy-M Shoes / Lowe Brothers Paints / Maternity Modes / Miller-Wohl ladies' wear / Mode O'Day Frock Shop / Plaza Barber Shop / Plaza State Bank / Richman Brothers men's wear / Service Optical / Schiff Shoes / Shopper's World / Strike & Spare Bowl (Lower Level) / The Record Shop / The Toy Fair / Walgreen Drug (with Walgreen Grill) / Western Auto / Zale's Jewelers

The mall's 280,000 square foot Sears welcomed first shoppers in November 1959. 
Photo from Sears, Roebuck & Company Annual Report 1959

The Plaza Theatre showed its first feature in January 1966. After several ownership changes, the venue was shuttered in 1988. It re-opened, as the Merle Hay Mall Cinema, in 1993 and was in operation until December 2014.

The Merle Hay Tower office building was built adjacent to the Plaza Theatre. The first Tower tenants moved in in November 1966.
Photo from Abbell Associates