Herberger's expanded their KIRKWOOD store on two occasions. The original (1971) unit encompassed 50,000 square feet. In the late '70s, the store was moved westward, to allow for an extended north-south shopping concourse. The reconfigured store (seen above) was dedicated in November 1979. It now encompassed 65,000 square feet.
Drawing from G. R. Herberger's, Incorporated
A circa-1985 plan shows the reconfigured Herberger's. As this store was rebuilt, a southward mall expansion -KIRKWOOD II- was underway. The 15 million dollar project (in light gray) doubled the size of the mall, to 913,000 square feet. Thirty-two new stores opened in March 1980. Woolworth morphed into a Woolco in 1980, which closed in 1983. The space was assumed by a Dayton's department store in 1985.
Further mall modifications were done during 1993. Target was enlarged into a 95,000 square foot unit, with Herberger's being expanded to 92,600. The shopping complex, which had been renamed KIRKWOOD
MALL in July 1987, now spanned approximately 958,000 leasable square feet. The parking area had spaces for 5,000 autos.