As it turns out, the retail industry's zeal to promote the lifestyle center as the "new & improved" thing, while dismissing the enclosed mall as an "old & rotten" dinosaur, proved a bit premature. In a May 5, 2011 write-up on the NATIONAL REAL ESTATE INVESTOR website, 

it was revealed that, during The Great Recession, the American shopping mall fared much better than would ever have been imagined just a few years ago. In fact, sales per square foot figures for the fully-enclosed, Grade A, destination-type mall surpassed those of the much ballyhooed lifestyle center!

Facts stated in this article could remind one of other premature obituaries, such as Mark Twain's famous "The report of my death was an exaggeration" quotation. Obviously, those many dire predictions for the eminent demise of the mall as we know it were not much more than wishful thinking on the part of various lifestyle center developers.

The Covid-19 pandemic of the early 2020s resulted in malls from coast-to-coast being temporarily shut down. Some of those that were already on life support never resumed operation. Hence, many "Grade C" and "D" properties went under. The high-end, destination-type malls survived the scourge, confirming that these kind of malls are here to stay.