PARMATOWN CENTER (in black) was extended westward in 1959-'60. An open-air mall (medium gray) was built. The shopping hub now sported a shiny new "May's Parmatown" department store and featured fifty-eight stores and services. The parking area had been expanded from 1,700 spaces to nearly 5,000. 

"May's Parmatown" opened for business in August 1960.
Drawing from the May Department Stores Company

Shoppers stroll the new Kresge Court at PARMATOWN CENTER. At the time this photo was taken (September 1960), the open-air mall addition had not been completed.
Photo from / Cleveland Memory Project / Joseph E. Cole

The open walkway at a fully-realized PARMATOWN CENTER. This photo is dated August 1961.
Photo from / Cleveland Memory Project / Joseph E. Cole