The GOLF MILL mall was sold to a Floridian concern in 2014. Within a few years, the shopping complex was in decline. The closing of Sears, in late 2018, sealed the mall's fate. It would be partially demolished and replaced by a mixed-use facility known as GOLF MILL TOWN CENTER.
Graphic from the Sterling Organization 

The new and improved TOWN CENTER would incorporate shopping, office, residential and hospitality components. The abandoned Sears, and 9-story Professional Building, would be knocked down. New construction would include a reproduction of the water wheel that had been a feature of the original mall.
Drawing from the Sterling Organization

A GOLF MILL TOWN CENTER site plan, dating to 2026, indicates new construction in white, with structures from the original mall shown in gray. The revitalized retail complex will encompass approximately 600,200 leasable square feet and contain around twenty-eight stores and services.
Original drawing from the Sterling Organization