A nighttime view of the NORMANDALE Kwik Chek supermarket. Obviously, it was a high-end ultra-modern structure. 
Photo from http://digital.archives.alabama.gov / John Engelhardt Scott 

An open-air shopping concourse -or Normandale Arcade- connected with the existing strip center and extended to a new W.T. Grant variety store. With this expansion, the complex would be promoted by the press as "one of the Southland's most striking pieces of architecture."
Photo from http://digital.archives.alabama.gov / John Engelhardt Scott 

A small Woolworth's, in the original strip center, was replaced by a larger store on the new Normandale Arcade. The expansion wing opened for business in June 1957.
Photo from http://digital.archives.alabama.gov / John Engelhardt Scott 

Joy's Restaurant & Fountain was among the new businesses that were added with the Normandale Arcade expansion.
Photo from http://digital.archives.alabama.gov / John Engelhardt Scott