J.B. Ivey (a.k.a. Ivey's) presided over the north end of the SQUARE. The store, Ivey's third Greenville location, originally encompassed 1 level and 60,000 square feet. A second floor was completed in 1972.
Drawing from J.B. Ivey & Company

On the opposite end of the mall stood a 63,000 square foot Meyers-Arnold; the chain's first branch. It, too, had a single level. An upper floor opened in 1971.
Drawing from the Meyers-Arnold Company

In late 1968, the 7 million dollar dumbell plan mall spanned approximately 420,000 leasable square feet and contained thirty stores and services. Free parking was initially provided for 1,800 autos.


J.B. IVEY / MEYERS-ARNOLD (with Coiffures America Beauty Salon) / S.H. KRESS 5 & 10 (with Whirly-Q Luncheonette) / WALGREEN DRUG (with Walgreen Grill) / Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors Ice Cream / Bobbie Brooks ladies' wear / Browz-A-Bit Cards & Books / Butler Shoes / Casual Corner ladies' wear / Eleanor Shops ladies' wear / Fanny Farmer Candies / Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Association (outparcel) / Friedman's Jewelers / Glenn's of McAlister Hair Fashions / H & H Barber Shop / Hale's Jewelers / Harriet Hess Gifts & Interiors / Hickory Farms of Ohio / Heyward Mahon Company apparel / Ken Vaughn's Florist Shop / Lerner Shops ladies' wear / Morrison's Cafeteria / Parisienne Wig Shop / Patton, Tilman & Bruce Shoes / Pets Galore / Record Bar / Singer Sewing Center / So-Fro Fabrics / The Little Shop, Limited / Thom McAn Shoes / Webster's Men's Clothes 

A freestanding Convenience Center was built on the mall's northern periphery in the early 1970s. The first phase consisted of the Camelot Theatre, whose first feature played in September 1970. A Winn-Dixie supermarket, package liquor store and Radio Shack were added. The former opened for business in June 1972.
Graphic 1 from the Wilby-Kincy Theatre Association
Graphic 2 from Winn-Dixie Stores, Incorporated