Welcome to the largest mall and retail history site on the internet. The MALL HALL OF FAME is a vintage shopping mall scrapbook. Its focus is on shopping complexes built -in the USA- between 1946 and 1979. This site includes historical sections about regional department stores, discount stores, 5 & 10 stores and supermarkets. Don't forget to visit our four Shopping Mall Memory Lanes, which transport you through time to a mall in 1956, 1963, 1970 and 1977!
A bronze statue, which was the centerpiece of the Abraham & Straus court. It was moved to a less prominent position, in the upper level Food Court, during an early 2000s renovation. In the Lenape Native American tongue, "Paramus" means "land of the wild turkey," hence the origin of the statue.
Photo from Malls of America Blogspot / Charles Freericks
A 1970s-vintage photo of the south end of the mall. Sears appears on the right.
Photo from Malls of America Blogspot / Charles Freericks