Welcome to the largest mall and retail history site on the internet. The MALL HALL OF FAME is a vintage shopping mall scrapbook. Its focus is on shopping complexes built -in the USA- between 1946 and 1979. This site includes historical sections about regional department stores, discount stores, 5 & 10 stores and supermarkets. Don't forget to visit our four Shopping Mall Memory Lanes, which transport you through time to a mall in 1956, 1963, 1970 and 1977!
A late 1961 view of the So-Cal shopopolis, which would be known officially as BULLOCK'S FASHION SQUARE (and by some locals as VALLEY FASHION SQUARE). Stores in the Southern California complex would open between April and August of 1962.
Photo from Bullock's, Incorporated
The posh I. Magnin store at BULLOCK'S FASHION SQUARE (Sherman Oaks) encompassed 55,000 square feet.
Drawing from I. Magnin & Company
A circa-'62 view of the shiny new BULLOCK'S FASHION SQUARE (Sherman Oaks). Desmond's, a Southern California-based specialty retailer, is seen on the left side of the image. This store would co-anchor the mall for 16 years.
Photo from Bullock's, Incorporated